Hi! I'm Anca,
a superkitty majordomo, herbalist in training,
full-stack dev with an interest in DocOps, and other things.

This is my digital garden. Enjoy your stay.

Anca's Digital Garden

Aug 10 2024
Jul 24 2024

From Netlify to Cloudflare

In an effort to simplify my life and workflow, and reduce some costs, I'm moving my blog & domain from Netlify & Namecheap to Cloudflare Pages and the Cloudflare registrar.

Apr 11 2023
Apr 10 2023

Adding Necessary Features in the Astro Markdoc Blog

Astro Markdoc doesn't have feature parity with Markdown yet. Here are my Astro Markdoc solutions for linked headings, table of contents, external links in the Markdoc body, Shiki code blocks with a custom theme, and more.

Apr 10 2023

Explore by Tag

On each tag page, you can find a link to that tag's RSS feed so you only get the content you want.